The Perfect Venue for your IDD Shopping – Jeddah

The fasting month of Ramadan is almost over and we are all looking forward to Idd, when we unite as a community and look forward to the coming year and what it has in store for us. Idd is the time of giving and loving, discarding the old and welcoming the new. Speaking of new and giving, we have a lot of shopping to do, for friends, for families, for our children, and ourselves. We buy gifts according to age, ethnicity, likes and dislikes of these people and struggle to look for things that we can give. Not only that, the running around that we do to get all the different gift items, tends to take its toll on us. No more of that. Now you can do all your shopping in one city and maybe under one roof, giving you the ultimate shopping experience Jeddah.


Your shopping experience would be ace if you have a choice of places to go to, window shop, browse and get the best for your near and dear ones. The city has huge malls and each shopping mall in Jeddah has a variety of shops. In fact, the mall culture is so popular that you will be spoilt for choice and will not have a clue as to where to start or stop as each shop is better than the previous one.

This variety alongside the different venues for entertainment in Jeddah will make your shopping experience in Jeddah a memorable one, giving you the best of worlds, entertainment and shopping.


If you are not one of those shoppers who do not like to meander from one mall to the other looking for inspiration, then all you need to do is go to one place, The Red Sea Mall, the biggest shopping mall in Jeddah.

Housing all the designers of the world under its roof, you are sure to find something for each one of your friends and relatives. Not only that it has mid range brands too, if you are looking for something that is reasonably priced and good too. It has both external and undercover parking so you will not have to fret about finding a parking spot on your shopping spree.

If you want to take your kids along too for the shopping experience, the mall has a play land that is excellent for the tots, and the others. It caters to children of all ages and your children will surely find something to amuse them whist you shop.

Shopping, from experience, is hard work and requires a lot of energy. To make sure that your reserves are always topped up, the mall has a variety of eateries, which include cafes, restaurants and fast food joints. The selection again is so vast that you will get whatever you want to eat.

If you are too tired to drive, you can always check in at the Elaf Hotel in the Mall and relax from your hard days work.

Make your Idd shopping an experience to remember. Visit Jeddah for your Idd shopping.

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